
Scientific comunication and public speaking Course


Partirà il 19 Novembre 2020 la seconda edizione del Corso di comunicazione scientifica e public speaking erogato dal Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria (CdL in Wildlife Management, conservation and control) a cura del Prof. Antonio Varcasia. L'edizione "pandemica" include anche una serie di seminari (che verranno trasmessi Live su Facebook) con esperti esterni, pensati proprio per il contesto che stiamo vivendo. Spicca la partecipazione del Prof. Domenico Otranto, uno dei più importanti ricercatori italiani, ma anche di esperti della comunicazione come Alessandro Lai.  Con la dott.ssa Francesca Scarpa, cercheremo di capire qualcosa di più delle nostre paure e di come gestire i blocchi emotivi quando si parla in pubblico. Parteciperà anche quest'anno Federico Spanu, giornalista e responsabile dei contenuti digitali de la Nuova Sardegna, che ci farà capire come è strutturato il mondo dei media e dei social.

Il corso è erogato in lingua inglese ed italiana, la deadline è il 15 Novembre 2020, per iscriversi occorre registarsi in questo form:


The second edition of the scientific communication and public speaking course hosted by Prof. Antonio Varcasia and provided by the Department of Veterinary Medicine (CdL in Wildlife Management, conservation and control) will start on November 19, 2020. This special "pandemic" edition will include a series of live seminars featuring external experts (through live-stream via Facebook) and is designed around the peculiar circumstances we are currently facing. Guests will include Prof. Domenico Otranto, one of the most important top Italian researchers, as well as communication expert Alessandro Lai. Lectures by Dr. Francesca Scarpa will focus on generating a deepened understanding of our fears and how to manage emotional blocks when speaking in public.
Federico Spanu, journalist and manager of digital content at La Nuova Sardegna newspaper, will participate again this year and will speak on how the world of media and social networks is structured.
The course is held in English and Italian, the deadline is November 15, 2020, to register you must register in this form:



Scientific communication and public speaking – S2 (Pandemic edition) (2 CFU, 16 hours) – Prof. Antonio Varcasia

The course aims to give the basic knowledge on scientific communication
to students in order to be able to write their graduation thesis and/or
a scientific article and at the same time to learn to communicate and
how to make an effective presentation. In its second edition (S2) the
course also focus on specific aspects of comunication, including
barriers and issues created by COVID19 pandemy. Lessons will be
delivered in english, except for seminars with special guests that will
be delivered in italian, and also through Facebook streaming LIVE
events. The course will be scheduled usually at lunch time or saturday,
in order to not overlap with other lessons.

Info: varcasia@uniss.it
Deadline for inscription: 15 novembre 2020 - Max number of partipans: 40
(in the classroom, public seminars unlimited).


19.11.2020 ore 13-15
Introduction: why you cannot do a good research without a great
communication (in english) – Antonio Varcasia
Who's who: https://evet.uniss.it/course/view.php?id=136

26.11.2020 ore 13.15
Emotional blockage: how to overcome it? – guest: Francesca Scarpa –
Professional counselor – in Italian, open seminar (Facebook live)
Who's who: https://www.facebook.com/francesca.scarpa.counselor/

02.12.2020 ore 13-15
How to get out the best of you (Public Speaking) – guest: Alessandro Lai
– WAU university – In Italian, open seminar (Facebook live).
Who's who: https://wauniversity.it/chi-siamo/

05.12.2020 ore 10-13
How to write a research article: all you need to know – guest: Prof.
Domenico Otranto, Uniba  – In English, open seminar (Facebook live)
Who's who: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=7004513640

09.12.2020 ore 13-15
aLIVE and kicking: tips and tricks to survive to online lessons in
corona times – Antonio Varcasia

11.12.2020 ore 13-15
Comunication and media: what you should know - guest: Federico Spano –
La Nuova Sardegna – In Italian
Who's who: https://spano-lanuovasardegna.blogautore.repubblica.it/chi-sono/

15.12.2020 ore 13-15
How to show your work: part I: photo and video tips and tricks – Antonio

Facebook LIVE events will be streamed at:

The present course is organized by the Master Degree in Wildlife
Management, conservation and control of the University of Sassari
(Veterinary Medicine Department).