
Prova di verifica delle competenze per Wildlife Management Conservation & Control


The Master Course in Wildlife Management, Conservation and Control is given in English language and is a free access course.
To be admitted to the course the following requirements must be accomplished:
1) Bachelor degree recognized at the European level or an equivalent title in Biological Science, Natural Science, Forestry and Agriculture, Veterinary Medicine, Animal Breeding or similar;
2) Pass an admission test on scientific background in the core disciplines of the course.
The admission test for the academic year 2018/2019 will be held on 14/12/2018 at 9.00 in the Institute of Biochemistry, Zoology Section, Scala A, 3rd floor of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, via Vienna 2, Sassari. The applicants have to be present at 8. 30.
You have to register on the website Self Studenti Uniss (see the Tutorial on the link https://www.uniss.it/sites/default/files/documentazione/tutorial_imm_18_... ) and preenroll online on the website Uniss https://uniss.esse3.cineca.it/Home.do (see the tutorial on the link https://www.uniss.it/sites/default/files/documentazione/tutorial_imm_18_... ) from 28/11/2018 to 13/12/2018 till 23:59. For any difficulty you may experience please contact the Teaching Manager of the course Dr. R. Fadda rfadda@uniss.it
The entrance test will consist of 30 multiple choice questions on the following disciplines: Anatomy and Physiology (5), Microbiology (5), Vertebrate Zoology (5), Animal Ecology (5), Genetics (5) English language (5).
The Commission in charge of the test will evaluate candidates as admitted/not admitted.
If admitted, the student can fulfil the online application. ( see the Tutorial “Domanda di immatricolazione - Guida alla compilazione” on the link https://www.uniss.it/sites/default/files/documentazione/tutorial_imm_18_...).
Students have to pay fees through electronic payment systems PagoPA ( for more information see the “Tutorial Pagamento PagoPa” on the link https://www.uniss.it/files/tutorialpagopapdf and the link: https://www.agid.gov.it/it/piattaforme/pagopa )
To keep a copy of the pre-enrollment form is highly advisable.
More details on enrollment procedures are on the LINK https://www.uniss.it/sites/default/files/documentazione/regolamento_carr...
Prof. Marco Apollonio – Coordinator of the Course in Wildlife Management, Conservation and
Control – email marcoapo@uniss.it
Dr. Renata Fadda – Teaching Manager – tel. 079229402; email rfadda@uniss.it